That's a wrap! Thank you to everyone who participated, whether as observer or identifier.
As of 14:30 on 02 October 2023, a total of 520 observations of 148 species were submitted during the BioBlitz. Of these, 250 (48.1%) have so far reached Research Grade and can be considered to be accurate identifications to species level. This figure is likely to increase over the coming weeks as further identifications are added (currently made by 64 identifiers from around the world). Of the Research Grade observations, at least 3 are of species that have previously not been reported for the village:
Common striped woodlouse (Philoscia muscorum).
Noon fly (Mesembrina meridiana).
Ivy Cellophane bee (Colletes hederae).
It is possible that further 'new' species to the village will be identified as identifications are refined.
This is necessarily a quick look at the results of the BioBlitz. A more rigorous analysis will be conducted in a month or so when further identifications of the observations have been made.
To go to iNaturalist go to this link
The UK’s wildlife is continuing to decline according to a new landmark study. Already classified as one of the world’s most nature-depleted countries, nearly one in six of the more than ten thousand species assessed (16%) are at risk of being lost from Great Britain. The report also show that the species studied have, on average, declined by 19% in the UK since monitoring began in 1970. Most of the important habitats for the UK’s nature are in poor condition, but restoration projects can and do have clear benefits for nature and people, as well as climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Go to the State of Nature home page. (
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