Ideas to get you started on making a difference to your lifestyle. In turn improving your carbon footprint and having a positive impact on climate change.
Each time you plan to buy an item, consider whether you could access it secondhand (for example, at a charity shop or online selling pages). Do you really need it? Could you repair your existing item? If you’re able to pay a bit more would that get you a product that will last longer?
If you no longer have a need for an item and it’s in good condition, consider whether you could offer it to someone else rather than disposing of it. Whether this be donating to charity, selling it, passing it on to friends or offering it for free on a local internet group.
Do you really need that extra jumper that is going to end up at the back of your wardrobe or the dress you are only going to wear once? Offers like buy 2 get 1 free - do you really need all 3 and do you need the item in the first place?
Work towards reducing food waste, for example, by meal planning, batch cooking, ensuring your fridge is set at the correct temperature of 0-5C°, complEAT eating and growing your own.
Increase the amount of plant-based foods you consume. Animal agriculture accounts for 16.5% of global greenhouse gas emissions alone, alongside concerns about deforestation and loss of biodiversity. Plant-based diets reduce food’s emissions by up to 73%, so the more plants we can consume instead of animal products, the better.
Shorter showers, check for leaks, turn off water whilst brushing teeth
Consider the packaging your food comes in and, where possible, reduce this by using a local zero waste shop or bringing your own bags to the supermarket so you can purchase unpackaged vegetables and fruits. Refill a water bottle.
Could you have walked? Or could you take public transport? If you have to drive could you shorten your journey, park further away from your destination and walk the rest of your journey?
Just by looking at this website you have started to learn about what you can do. We’ll share information on our Interesting Articles and follow our socials to broaden your knowledge on the climate crisis. But this topic is huge and, as volunteers, we can only share the tip of the iceberg. Let us know through our Contact Us page if you find anything you think would be good to share. South Wonston Sustainability aren’t experts, we’re learning all the time too.
Can you switch to a 100% renewable energy supplier? When do you turn your heating on and could you turn it down by a degree? Insulation in your loft? Switch off anything that isn’t being used. Swap to LED lights. Have you considered solar panels?
Come and say hello and find out what we are doing as a community. Do you have a skill? Do you have some spare time? Do you want to learn? Do you have an interest in a project we are working on? Do you have an idea we might be able to help with or possibly make happen? Please get in touch via our Contact Us page or our social media channels.
Have conversations with friends and family about your concerns and ask them what they are doing to make a positive impact. Share with them your thoughts and what you are doing. Ask friends with a electric cars or solar panels to talk you through their decision and the pros and cons!
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